Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just take everything, god damnit.

Being robbed is long way from fun. What I figured out is that even if they take everything, please don't take my credit card.

After I got back from the party, I arranged myself a phone. Fredi lended me a phone and gladly it works with my cable so I can have access to internet aswell. In the shop of the operator they blocked the last SIM-card and got me the same number. Only money loss there and internet still existing without further payments.

I made a report of theft. In the police station.. well, the arrangements there for a foreigner were somewhat interesting. However it was surprisingly easy for being an italian system and I survived from the station within an hour.

I searched for the receit of the camera and went to a internet point to scan all the possible documents needed to my parents. Now it's just waiting for the insurance company.

I blocked my card as soon as I could get to the number of blocking it. They were very nice and making questions about the situation which later on made more clear for me what things needed to be told at the police station. The next morning I called my bank in Finland and even when they were very empathic... they did not help my getting the card at all or didn't make it urgent. I was just left mad, even when I understand it cannot be done so fast.

So, everything was turning out fine again. I was still upset, but everything was working out. My parents transfered all the money on my account to theirs to protect it and they put more money on the account of a finnish friend here and to Laura's account for the trip of Barcelona.

The story continues as my birthday came up the next day. I woke up and my roommate was smiling at me and wishing happy birthday. There was packages waiting for me which made me smile and laugh on my own in my small room. I was smiling.

I went out of the house to have dinner with Milka and to get money from her to have some for living. Everything was fine, until I realized that I didn't find my finnish SIM-card anywhere anymore. I always put it to the same place in my wallet where there is a zipper. I was desperate. I was running through the cafeteria and searching and asking everyone. I was sure it was not at home because I changed the card in the cafeteria. I was again upset.

At the same time as I was searching urgently the card everywhere, Laura calls me to tell that she is so sick that she cannot probably fly. She was not sure yet. I wasn't really focusing on that problem then and she told me she'd call later. By the time that she called me to tell that she had cancelled the flights, I had been sitting in a toilet crying for some time. I was so tired and so unbalanced that I didn't know what to do. I cancelled the meeting for my birthday in the evening because I didn't want them to look at an upset birthday girl and all I really wanted was just to shut myself somewhere inside.

So now.. I don't have my finnish SIM-card and I'm not going to Barcelona as I have no way of getting money. Laura was my only source of money there.

When I finally reached mom, she told me to calm down and drink camomilla, because now I was just loosing things because of being so upset. After sleeping a while I was still sure I didn't want to celebrate this day. I ended up going to Milka's residence watching a film and eating crap-food.

Now I'm just still tired of all the crying... and I'm hungry as well. The good thing in misfortune is that you can see how many people around you are really ready to help you. I'm sure I'm going to be fine, even when I was ready to book the flights back home. I'm going to be fine, because even when I once again need to stand up, there's support. There's people who support me and care enough to give a hand.

Once again, I'm grateful.

1 comment:

Maija said...

Olen pahoillani, että sun synttäripäivän ympärille osui tuollainen ikävien tapahtumien suma. Vaikka olisihan se ollut minä tahansa päivänä ikävää, että sun tärkein omaisuus (ainakin mä itse pitäisin ulkomailla puhelinta, kameraa ja kännykkää tärkeimpinä) vietiin. Multa itseltä on viety viimeisen neljän kuukauden sisällä 2 polkupyörää. No, polkupyörä ei ole niin arvokas kuin kännykkä/kamera/luottokortti, mutta mua suututti niin paljon, koska uuden pyörän hankkimisessa on niin paljon vaivaa. Ja siinä, että pitää selvitä ilman pyörää.

Siihen päälle vielä se, että et pääse BCN:aan. Voin kuvitella, miten paljon olisit halunnut sinne. Se, että olisit päässyt sinne, olisi varmasti lievittänyt tuota ikävää tapahtumaa.

Ei varmaan ole helppoa ajatella positiivisesti, mutta nyt ei ole kuin yksi tie. Enää kovin paljon pahemmaksi ei voi asiat mennä. Eiköhän se elämä ala vielä hymyillä. Toivottavasti jaksat siellä vielä, vaikka nyt saattaakin olla vähän mutkia matkassa.

Olen täällä Suomessa hengessä mukana. Take care, love.
