So I'm going home
back to the place where I belong,
and where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from,
no, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
back to the place where I belong,
and where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from,
no, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
Thinking of those passions I've started to think on why didn't I ever apply to a journalist school. I love writing and photography.
Kun ajattelen listaamiani intohimoja, mietin miksen ikinä hakenut toimittajan tutkintoon. Rakastan kirjoittamista ja valokuvausta.
I've been eating rye bread from the freezer for days now and I almost forgot how good it tastes like. Dino also brought me a german version of finnish bread. Mmm!
Olen syönyt ruisleipää pakastimesta nyt monta päivää ja olen melkein unohtanut miten hyvältä se maistuukaan. Dino toi minulle myös saksalaisen version suomalaisesta leivästä. Mmm!
I'm invited for a dinner with Hanna and two italians guys I met in Banale time ago. The dinner was suppose to be on Wednesday but now Hanna and I are getting a haircut then, because the haircutter is moving to Istanbul this week. Probably the dinner will be on Friday then!
Minut ja Hanna on kutsuttu syömään kahden italialaismiehen kanssa, jotka tapasin Banalessa aikaa sitten. Kinkereiden oli tarkoitus olla keskiviikkona, mutta Hanna ja minä mennään parturoitavaksi silloin, koska hiusleikkuri muuttaa Istanbuliin tällä viikolla. Luultavasti siirtyy siis perjantaiksi!
I've painted in a diary style lately. I like it.
Olen maalannut vähän niinkuin päiväkirjatyylisesti viimeaikoina. Pidän siitä.
Kuulin seinän läpi Dinon ja Marion keskustelua ensimmäisenä yönä. Seuraavana yönä he valtasivat sänkyni, joten minun oli kuunneltava heidän pälinää koko yö.
I heard through the wall Dino and Mario talking on the first night. The next night they invaded my bed, so I had to listen to their pointless babbles all night.
Jätin Marion äidille viestin ensimmäisen yön jälkeen, koska tuntui että olisin jättänyt heidät aivan huomiotta olessani todella yliväsynyt. Pyysin viestissä käytöstäni anteeksi ja kirjoitin sen italiaksi koska en tuntenut pystyväni edes keskustelemaan italiaksi heidän kanssaan - ja hän ei ollut kotona kun lähdimme seuraavana aamuna. Myöhemmin Mario sanoi lukeneensa sen lapun: "Ma che brava!"
I left a note to Mario's mom after the first night, because I felt like I had ignored them totally while being really overly tired. So I apologized for my behaviour in a note I wrote in italian as I didn't even feel able to talk with her properly in italian - and she wasn't home when we left the next morning. Later Mario said he read the note: "Ma che brava!"
Menimme pizzalle Marion työpaikka-pizzeriaan. Hän ei pysynyt pöydässä lainkaan. Se oli viimeinen kerta kun hän näki työnkavereitaan ja he vaikuttivat isolta perheeltä, joten hän kulki kokoajan edestakaisin puhuen heille kokoajan.
We went for a pizza at Mario's working place, pizzeria. He didn't stay at the table at all. It was he's last possible moment to see the guys at work and they seemed like a really big family, so he was going around talking with the workers all the time.
Maistettiin lakritsijuomaa siellä myös. Paljon pehmeämpää ja makeampaa kuin Suomen salmiakki. Mutta hyvää!
We tasted also liquirizia drink there. It's much more soft and sweet than salmiakki in Finland. But very good!
Torinossa opin lisää kehonkieltä ja käsimerkkejä italialaisittain. Teen teille videon tässä jossain vaiheessa niistä. Hihi.
In Torino I learned some more body language and hand signs of italians. I will make a video of them for you sometime here. Hihi.
Giada: social life anche stasera!! Anna è già arrivata? Mi manca un pò Padova quando sono a casa! ho bisogno sempre più di indipendent life!!! (social life also tonight!! Has Anna arrived already? I miss Padova a bit when I'm at home. I need always more independent life!!!)
Milla: si, anna è arrivata ma fuori con andrea adesso. mi non manca padova mai, solo tu e marica un po perche mi piace quando siete qui :) padova è più bella. (yes, anna has arrived but is out with andrea right now. i never miss padova, only you and marica a bit because i like it when you're here :) padova is more lovely.)
Milla: anche conosco la tua feeling perche from the time i was in finland. (i also now the feeling from the time i was in finland.)
Giada: ohh crazie! si anche a me non è che manca proprio padova, è la life in the appartment that is funny! now it's our home! (ohh thank you! yes also for me it is not padova that i miss, it is the life in the appartment that is funny! now it's our home!)
Milla: you know.. actually, i haven't felt like home here before last thursday :) strange.
Giada: of course for you it can be more difficult to get used to live here...and to feel like being home! but next here I am sure that you will miss it a little bit! altough I have to admit that Padova is not so great....
Milla: I'm really sure of it now too :) And in Finland roommates don't talk even half of this much, so.. and right now, I would not want to go back at all.
Giada: so you will miss us!!!and we will miss you, because I have learned that living with foreign people is a really good experience!!!and in a mixed appartment life is less less boring!
Milla: yes because italians just study ;)
Giada: yes!!!! and if we are all italians,,,there are less things to say!
Milla: even though it was hard in the beginning (and it will be hard in the end)
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