Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Being an optimist,

Background: Jacek is a polish boy who was also last spring (2007) in exchange in my University in Finland.

Jacko: I thought that You are happy girl
Jacko: without problems

So did I.

A bit later talking about finishing his studies:

Jacko: i have to do a lot of stuff. it ll be different but maybe even better.
Jacko: work can be nice
Milla: you are really being optimistic :)
Jacko: I have to be if not I won't have enough energy
Milla: but optimism is always very good
Milla: makes life more enjoyable
Jacko: more easy
Jacko: I hope that allways I ll have such a way of living
Jacko: lets see it won't be easy

Definitely not. I'm surely an optimist and all the time here, I'm waiting for the better time to come. Now I'm waiting for the storm to calm down and the sun coming out. What is different here is that I never waited back home, I made the storm calm down for myself and I made my living happy. Of course it's easier to do when you have all the right people around you. The people that you really click with and it is not easy to get there. Moving to Vantaa, it took something between a half a year and a year to get to the people. But still, I can do it to myself. At least for a small while... everyday or at least every other.

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