Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Che catzo!

Yesterday I went to an internet cafe to call home via skype. Jussi played me guitar :) I wish I could've made a screenshot of it. So moving<3 We're gonna start doing that because talking on skype is cheaper even if I pay in the netcafe for using it.

I talked to mom about me not having anything to do here and she suggested me to start doing something that I can use when I come back to Finland. So.. it may be a really ambitious but I've always wanted to set up a gallery of my photos. We'll see if I ever do that but here I have so much time for it that... why not try? I can also do it another way around. Try to offer pictures of Finland (possibly) to a gallery here. That would be even more perfect.. but still very ambitious. My sense for ambitious seems to be that it's a bit impossible to do, but not quite.

Yesterday at the choir, I talked again to a finnish girl, Maria. She's from Jyväskylä and is also here doing only single courses. So both of us have a lot of time and so.. we've also been talking about arranging a finnish dinner :) It was suppose to take place this Friday but everyone has something, including me. An appointment with the hairdresser.

Hanna met a guy in her language course who is a hairdresser and also cut her hair. So she arranged an appointment for me too. I want something new.. we'll see how radically new, I doubt that not much. At least according to Hanna, he has a talent, so I'm thinking of letting him decide what makes me looks good :)

I also met a Belgium girl, Ann, in the train while coming back from Baccarata, which is a kind of a pub tour in Venezia. She's here because of her boyfriend, who is sicilian. They met while she was in exchange in Bologna :) She's here now trying to find a job, but it's more difficult that you'd think, so she also has a lot of time in her hands. Number exchange done! In Baccarata I also met some American girls, Sarah and Charlotte. I don't generally have such a good image of Americans but they ended up being nice :) Still sometimes it gets me when they talk with the like-language. "I mean like.." And even more it gets me that I start to do the same :D In any case, Baccarata was great. Judith talked more than usual. Benjamin made some confessions. I got my jacket and new tennis shoes in red wine. All together the event was really great. I got to know more people and got a lot for only 10 euros. I mean, you should've seen the canisters of red wine, white wine and spritz that was involved. And we also got pizza :P

And yes, I'm making some kind of a facegallery here of all the people, so you can keep up with them.

Yesterday I met Simona because she had something bothering her a lot. No wonder really. I hope everything goes well on that. Why I'm telling this is because I was a bit surprised on the amount of honesty and trust I got from her. We don't spend so much time together, but I know that if there's something she will listen to me and help me :) Che bella!

Many people who know a bit of finnish here know a sentence in finnish "look at the sea" which in finnish is "katso merta" which sounds like in italian "catzo merda". Catzo means penis exactly, but goes for almost all the bad words. Like in english fuck or shit. Merda is shit. So in finnish the lovely poetic sentence turns into something ugly in italian. :D

Okay, but I'll try to get myself together and write a complete argument towards the bad sides of Italy and italians soon, so I can get over it. Now I'm just kind of collecting them into me.

OH! And I found such cheap flights from Treviso to Rome in the end of November that I'm probably going there with Hanna :) YIPPEE! Only 20 euros for both way flights!


Laura said...

So why not? ;)


Milla said...

Yeah... WHY not <3

Anonymous said...

Hiukset on uusiutuva luonnonvara. Lähetä kuva kun olet uusiutunut, jotta en pelästy la skypessä :P

Muistatko - Rooma ei kiinosta yhtään ;)

Anonymous said...

Unohtui - katsasta minkälaisia gallerioita siellä on ja miten ne toimii. Tuumasta toimeen vaan. Sulla ei ehkä tulevaisuudessa ole yhtä hyvää tilaisuutta keskittyä näyttelyn kokoamiseen kuin nyt.

hopi hopi ... :D

Miika said...

Aaargh! Olin jo unohtanut tuon hassun kielellisen sattuman. Anyway ajattelin vain ilmaista, että olen elossa, mikäli et ole saanut sähköpostiani ja pahoitella etten ole ollut yhteyksissä. Syksy on lähinnä mennyt kerätessä rahaa Japanin matkaa varten ja se on vienyt kaikki voimat.

Olin hieman yllättynyt siitä, että siulla on oikeasti luppoaikaa. Blogia lukiessa on jotenkin tullut fiilis, että siulla olisi tekemistä enemmän kuin tarpeeksi, mutta galleria kuulostaa tosi-uber-makeelta, eiku hommiin! :)

Milla said...

Äippä, ihanaa ihanaa ihanaa. Pus! Meinaan aattelin että pistäisin johonkin kahvilaan niitä kuvia. Pistäisin, tai siis kokeilisin pistää :P <3

Miika, sain sun emailin ja vastaan ihan kohta pian! Koska oot menossa Japaniin?! Koska tuut tänne käymään? Et varmaan, kun käytät rahas siellä luvatussa maassa.

Miika said...

Hmm. Juttelin iskän kanssa eilen kevään matkasuunnitelmista ja kerroin, että miulla olisi intressejä lähteä sekä Japaniin että Italiaan. Hän ehdotti, että poikkeaisin molemmissa paikoissa. Lupasi jopa taloudellista tukea matkoihin, josta yritin epätoivoisesti kieltäytyä vetoamalla siihen, että olen aikuinen ja selviän omillani, mutta hän vaikutti aika itsepäiseltä asian suhteen. Tietenkin pitää kysyä vielä äidiltäkin, koska hänelläkin on sananvaltaa siihen, mihin meidän perheen rahoja käytetään. Eli en lupaa mitään, mutta se, että poikkeaisin luonasi keväällä ei ole täysin pois suljettu :)