Saturday, November 17, 2007

The haircut,

I went to the hairdresser yesterday. Hanna knew this guy from her language course. He's originally from Poland, but studied for hairdressing thingies in London. Then he met his boyfriend, who is from Cyprus but lived in Italy. Finally moved here but is really unhappy with the country, the food, the people and so on... He is only 23 and he really has a talent. I got tips on what kind of colours to stick with, though I knew and stack with them already :) But the haircut... he made wonders if you ask me. The photograph doesn't make justice for it. It's lighter and he coloured me blonder stripes :)

I think some of my negativeness was left there too. With the hair and because Luka was so negative about the country. I was so relieved that someone shares these feelings :)

Beni had written me a message on facebook at 5:45 when I met the hairdresser at 5: "how do you look? how do you look? very good? very good? or has the haircutter comitted suicide after he finished the work on your head?" :P

Afterwards Hanna, Till and I went to Quirin's place. There we sang while Till was playing the guitar.. Britney Spears Hit Me Baby One More Time, Oasis Wonderwall, Green Day Good Riddance... :) In the end the same crew (+ Lorenzo) that came to the place continued to another place, UnWound where there was a night for emo-music. Mostly we were the only ones dancing. Lorenzo: "If we're here we might as well the center of the party." We moved to the dance floor. While goes and we dance, only we 4 and 2 other girls sometimes. Lorenzo: "I think we are the party!" Such a big place with huge dancing floor and no-one else is dancing.

They still came to mine for afterparty and we ended up eating pasta with tomato-tuna-sauce at 3am.


Anonymous said...

Hyvä pää :)

Laura said...

French artist, I would say<3

Milla said...

Ekaa kertaa muuten en vierastanu ollenkaan vaan oli heti omanlainen fiilis ja tuntu hyvännäköseltä :)

Miika said...

Pelottavaa! Näytät tosi erilaiselta, mutta myönnettäköön etten ole muistaakseni edes nähnyt sinua ilman laseja. Pirskatin hienot hiukset :)

Miika said...
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