Monday, February 25, 2008


My tandem partner gratuated. This is what they do. Make them read stupid texts about themselves, drink wine if they make a mistake in reading and in the between they might throw you with an egg, pour flour or tomatosauce on them. Bello, eh?

Giorgio, Nicola and Giorgio. Yes, Italian are very creative on names and no, I have no idea what's up here :)

Alfred at Greenwood Pub, Serata Pub.

The beginning of the shaking at Banale!

Päivi Tampereelta! <3>

Miguel in the fog of Padova. This guy is very interesting. On Saturday we were out dancing at Fishmarket and his bikes chain went off track, so he started fixing and swearing, but everytime someone came to ask if he needs help, he started to sell these tickets for his upcoming photo exhibitions lottery :D

Suomitytöt Vicenzassa. Eeva, Päivi ja minä <3>

En jaksanut taaskaan kirjottaa. Väsymys painaa.

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