Thursday, August 2, 2007

Budget, part I

In the beginning of the summer, I made a budget for the 10 months I will spend in Italy, to see how much I have to earn and do I need a student loan.

The first budget I made was mainly based on assumptions and prices here. This was only because mostly I didn't know about the rent or anything yet. Some of the amounts may be far from realistical, but better to take it over the top at this point. (I will check my budget after I have booked the flights and found a place to live, knowing if it's furnitured etc.)

I will not tell you the amounts of money I counted for everything, but I will tell you what things I considered. All of these I first thought as in weeks or months and then turned them into the 10 month-price.


FOOD (total)

CLOTHES (total)

APPARTMENT (total AND after taking out all the one-time purchases what is left for me per month to use)

rent + possible first week stay at the hostel
decoration etc (sheets, towels, curtains…)
cooking (kettles, pans, plates, glasses, cutting board)
hygiene (disinfecting liquid, plasters, toothpaste, showersoap, deodorant…)
laundry (washing agent, self laundry service)
cleaning (rags, powders and such)


internet connection
prepaid phone
postcards, letters, stamps


single courses payment
school supplies (books, papers, pencils...)
possible student association payment


bus card
flight (to and from + other travelling expenses included to coming and leaving)
partying and such
travelling (there's always unlimited need of money with this one!)


SCHOLARSHIPS (from school and gov)

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