Friday, October 19, 2007


The train ride takes about 1,5 hours. It was full of us, exchange students.

Just half of us waiting for directions :)

Peter (Hungary).

In the middle, the long brown hair girl, is Silje (Norway). She is the girl who was suppose to live with Anna and I.

Diego (the furthers right) telling to the people what is happening. Not much.
We decided to leave the huge group which was devided to only two and see everything for ourselves.

Mmmmm... SO GOOD!!

Simona and I in a piazza. I think it was piazza delle Erbe. All the cities seem to have piazza delle Erbe (square for vegetables), della Frutta (for fruits) and dei Signori (for the ruler family, who basily owned the city.. back then).

Casa di Giulietta.

Touching the other breast of the statue brings luck for love. Obviously many people need it.

Andrea and I.

The shop for souveniers was ridiculous. There was even these to put on your phone to hang... for only 5 euros.

Another funny thing. I bet he/she's a student who needs money and doesn't want to be recognized.
People! You should do that in Finland!

Il Duomo was bea-u-tiful! So white that it glew in the sunshine!

The Arena.

And my company! I had such a great day :)

There is no world without Verona walls..

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